Showing posts with label Bass Lesson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bass Lesson. Show all posts


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There are different kinds of sequences that we can practice and memorize. This is very useful later for improvisation and even to play the melody.
For this page, I will always update to the latest sequence. All of the following sequences were trained with a slow tempo first, then start accelerating. One thing to keep in mind that "Speed is important but not absolute". Then trained in ascending (up) and descending (down). Learn one by one from each point below. Once memorized and then proceed to the next point
Let's get started...

1-2 - 3 - 4-5 - 6 - 7-1
Do - re - mi - fa - sol - la - he - do

123 (do, re, mi) - 234 (re, mi, fa) - 345 (mi, fa, sol) - 456 (fa, sol, la) - 567 (sol, la, si) - ff.

1234 (do, re, mi, fa) - 2345 (re, mi, fa, sol) - 3456 (mi, fa, sol, la) - 4567 (fa, sol, la, si) - ff.

13 (do, mi) - 24 (re, fa) - 35 (mi, sol) - 46 (fa, la) - 57 (sol, si) - ff.

21 (re, do) - 32 (mi, re) - 43 (fa, mi) - 54 (sol, fa) - 65 (la, sol) - ff.

16 (do, la) - 27 (re, si) - 31 (mi, do) - 42 (p, re) - 53 (sol, mi) - 64 (la, fa) - ff.

67 (la, si) - 56 (sol, la) - 45 (fa, sol) - 34 (mi, fa) - 23 (re, mi) - 12 (do, re) - ff.

123 (do, re, mi) - 1234 (do, re, mi, fa) - 234 (re, mi, fa) - 2345 (re, mi, fa, sol) - ff.

12 343 (do, re, mi, fa, mi) - 23 454 (re, mi, fa, sol, fa) - 34 565 (mi, fa, sol, la, sol) - ff.

321 (mi, re, do) - 432 (fa, mi, re) - 543 (sol, fa, mi) - 654 (la, sol, fa) - 765 (si, la, sol) - ff.

4321 (fa, mi, re, do) - 5432 (sol, fa, mi, re) - 6543 (la, sol, fa, mi) - 7654 (si, la, sol, fa) - ff.

671 (la, si, do) - 567 (sol, la, si) - 456 (fa, sol, la) - 345 (mi, fa, sol) - 234 (re, mi, fa) - ff.

Left Hand Technique (Bass / Guitar)

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This technique is played by the left finger tapping on the fret board, sounded the right index finger and then with the left hand first finger is still pressing on the fret board, the other left hand fingers hit the fret board (with a higher tone) without pronounced with right index finger.
The symbol of this technique is the "H".
Below is an exercise of the Hammer On.
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- strings 1
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- 2 strings
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- 3 strings
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- 4 strings
Train strings sequentially starting from 1 up to 4 strings. Then down again to the string 1. Train with a slow tempo first. Then the tempo is brought forward. How quickly the tempo of your day, try to even faster tomorrow. Here is a form of fingering can be trained:
1: finger
2: Central
3: Sweet
4: little finger
Training with a combination of finger:
1-2 2-3 3-4
1-3 2-4

This technique is the opposite of the Hammer On technique. Press the strings with fingers left: middle, or a little sweet (written with blue numbers). Then sounded, then the first left finger is lifted and the second left fingers press the strings with a lower tone is sounded again without the right index finger (written with red numbers).
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- strings 1
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- 2 strings
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- 3 strings
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- 4 strings
Practice with a combination finger on the left as exercises Hammer On.

This technique is played by pressing a finger on the fret board with the left-enough energy to produce a tone is sounded by hand without the right. Train your fingers to combine your left until your left hand to feel quite tired.

Use your left finger to press the fret board, then sounded the right index finger (written with blue numbers), then the second left finger ring the other strings with Hammer Attack techniques (written with red numbers).
--- | --- | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- strings 1
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---- 2 strings
--- | - 1 - | --- | --- | --- | ---- 3 strings
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---- 4 strings
Train your fingers to combine, with different strings, and then try to run toward the chromatic bass body.

5. SLIDE (/ s)
This technique is used by the left finger pressing a note on the fret board, then sounded the right index finger, then the left finger (while still pressing the strings to the fret board) is shifted towards the body or toward the head in accordance with the intended tone.
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---- Strings 1
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---- 2 strings
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---- 3 strings
--- | - 1 - | --- | - 3 - | --- | ---- 4 strings

6. Vibrato
This technique is played with one finger to press the strings to the left of the fret board and sounded, then the string is bent vertically upward and down repeatedly with rapid. The resulting sound is the sound of the waves.

7. Vibrato SHAKE
This technique is played by the left fingers press the strings to the fret board and sounded, and finger plays slide techniques to the right out of the first fret then slide back into the first fret and then out to the left of the first fret. This process is done quickly and repeatedly. The technique is good when played solo with the Blues scale.

This technique is played by the left fingers press the strings to the fret board and sounded, then the finger to bend the strings to the head or toward the feet while holding down the strings. This technique is easier to do when the three left fingers press the strings are equal then bend them. Easier if done with the left thumb and three fingers gripping the neck press the strings are equal then bend them. The result is the first tone will rise to semitones or even whole tone.

9. Thrill
this technique is played by Hammer On technique and the technique alternately Pull Off quickly. Right index finger only once rang the strings. You must find the right moment to do this technique. The resulting sound is the voice fluctuates rapidly, giving rise to a wave effect.

10. Harmonic
the technique is done by attaching (without pressing) the strings at certain points on the fret board. In order to obtain a clearer harmonic sound, place your right hand closer to the bridge. The technique is much in use to tune- bass strings. Can also be played on a bass solo moments.

11. Barring
the technique is performed by pressing a few strings by using only one finger. (Usually combined with a double stop or raking techniques). This technique is useful to speed up the fingering in playing a bass line.

This technique is useful to stop the sound by placing the fourth finger of the left to the fret board without suppressing it, so just touch it.

The technique is performed by index finger across the three strings with the touch without pressure, then the third left finger slap to the four strings without producing a tone. A tone will create a tone that is just dead (dead note / ghost note).

Learning Bassline Technique

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Bassline is one of bass technique that underlies the bass chord accompaniment and rhythm of a song.
Rhythm section is one part of the band (combo), which also determines the type rhythm / rhythm being played. They consist of drums, bass, piano / guitar. Piano / guitar also called chordal section.

Build BassLine
In building a bassline, played the most important notation is basic notes (root) of the chord itself. After that to support the basic notes, we can use the fifth tone of the base note, in this case are the tones 'Sol'. As an example we are playing in C major chord, then the basic notes are C, and fifth tones (sol) is G.
An example is like this:
| C. G. | C. G. | F. C. | F. C. |
In the swing we would often play 4 tones with a value of ¼ in a bar like form below :
| C C G G | C G C G | F C F C | F F C C |
Development of the above forms can be done in the following way:
1. Approach Trinada
Trinada or so-called Triad of a chord is the tone that the builders of a chord. Tone (in major and minor) consists of:
• 1 (do) as root / basic tone of the chord.
• 3 (mi) if the major and 3b (ri) if the minor, as third tone/3rd or determining the nature of the chord if the chord is major or minor.
• 5 (sol) as the fifth tone of the chord.
For example, the form becomes as follows:
| C E G C | F A C F | C E G C | F A C F |
2. Arpeggio approach and Broken Chords
Arpeggio is a tone which consists of a chord in which the tone is played individually or sequentially. Named Broken Chords if played in no particular order.
In addition there are arpeggios trinada describing the tone of the extension or the quality of the chord so that explains the full chord.
For example in the C7 chord arpeggios it is 1      -     3      -   5   -     7 b    .
From the example above can build a pattern bassline, one of them is as follows:
| C E G Bb | F A C Eb | C E G Bb | F A C Eb |
3. Approach with semitones
Semitones or so-called half tone / tone that have a ½ intervals.
To my menus to the next chord we may also use or combine movements * chromatic chord towards the goal.
For example, combines with the movement of Chromatic Triads are as follows:
| C E G Gb | F A C (B) | C E G Gb | F A C (B) |
4. Interval Bassline (General Form)
In progress displacement chord in swing bassline commonly used form of intervals as follows:
Major = WHH (Whole - Half - Half) or intervals of 1 - ½ - ½.
Minor = WHHH (Whole - Half - Half - Half) or intervals of 1 - ½ - ½ - ½.
For example there are the following forms:
C F A-D-
| C D D # E | F / / / | | A B C C # | D E F F # |

From the above theory, let us try to apply the 12 Bar Blues Swing Progress in C.
Here's the form:
| C7 / / / | F7 / / / | C7 / / / |% / / / |
| F7 / / / |% / / / | C7 / / / | E-7 / A-7 / |
| D-7 / / / | G7 / / / | C7 / A-7 / | D-7 / G7 / |

^ ^ Good luck ^ ^


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1 = index finger

2 = Middle

3 = Sweet

4 = little finger

There are 4 kinds of finger shift that could in practice:

Everything is played from the first four strings. That is the bottom string of the image.

1. By using the middle finger.

||--|---|---|- 1 - | -2 --|---|- 4 --|---|

||--|---|---|- 1 - | - 2 -|---|- 4 --|---|

||--|- 1 - | -2 -|==>|- 2 --|---|- 4 --|---|

||--|---|- 2 -|---|- 4 --|---|---|---|

(==>) = Shift

2. By using the ring finger.

||--|--|--|- 1 - | -2 -|---|- 4 -|--|

||--|--|--|- 1 - | -2 -|---|- 4 -|--|

||--|--|--|--|- A -|---|- 4 -|--|

||--|--|- A -|--|- 3 -|==>|- 3 - | -4 - |

3. By using your little finger.

||--|--|--|- 1 - | -2 -|--|- 4 -|--|

||--|--|--|- 1 - | -2 -|--|- 4 -|--|

||--|- 1 - | -2 -|--|- 4 -|==>|- 4 -|--|

||--|--|- 2 -|--|- 4 -|--|--|--|

4. With a displacement of the ring finger to the middle.

||--|---|--|- 1 - | -2 -|--|- 4 -|---|

||--|- A -|--|- 3 - | -2 -|--|- 4 -|---|

||--|- 1 - | -2 -|--|- 4 -|--|--|---|

||--|---|- 2 -|--|- 4 -|--|--|---|

Shift Finger Exercise

|---|---|---|---|- 1 - | -2 -|---|- 4 - |

1 --|---|- |---|---|- 3 - | -2 -|---|- 4 - |

| -1 -|---|- 3 - | -2 -|---|- 4 -|---|---|

| -1 -|---|- 3 - | -4 -|---|---|---|---|

By training and habit finger shift this then we will never have trouble fingering in the improvising and playing melody.

Blues Scale

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The contents of the Blues Scale are similar to the contents of Minor pentatonic. The difference is the "b5" is usually called the Blue Note. So the contents of the Blues Scale are 1 - b3 - 4 - b5 - 5 - b7. Blues Scale can be used as a Bass Line or used to create a melody (solo).

In addition to the rhythm of Blues, Blues Scale is commonly used also in the shuffle rhythms, Rock, Gospel, R & B, etc... Blues is the foundation of Jazz music. So the blues scale is also sometimes can be inserted in the jazz game.

Below is an example of the Blues Scale fingerings.

|---|- 1 -|---|- 3 -|---|---|

|---|- 1 - | -2 - | -3 -|---|---|

|---|- 1 -|---|---|- 4 -|---|

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